Ms_Mong_2 / Getülgegči blam-a qamuγ šasin geyigülügči boγda boluγsan alimad egün-eče töröl töröl-ün üyer-i erkileǰü ǰalbariγsan ilγal Süsügten-ü lingqu-a-yin aman-i oγoγata negegči qur-a kemegdekü

, Blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes és , Damba-ǰoroi és , Šaγšabad (1700) Ms_Mong_2 / Getülgegči blam-a qamuγ šasin geyigülügči boγda boluγsan alimad egün-eče töröl töröl-ün üyer-i erkileǰü ǰalbariγsan ilγal Süsügten-ü lingqu-a-yin aman-i oγoγata negegči qur-a kemegdekü. , [Beijing] (Kézirat)

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Tétel típus: Kézirat
További információk: Eulogy of the previous incarnations of the 2nd Lcang skya qutuγtu Rol pa'i rdo rje or Lalitavajra, a poem written by the 3rd Paṇ chen Blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes. Trans1ated into Mongolian in alliterative verses by Damba-ǰoroi (elsewhere as Damba čorji = Tib. Bstan pa chos rje) for Sonam (= Tib. Bsod nams), old man of the Plain Blue Banner of the Eight Banners, written down by the scribe Šaγšabad. (In the colophon Awang is perhaps to be read Aywang or Nawang for Tib. Ngag dbang. This is a second edition of the eulogy, from the last decades of the 18th century. Acquired by Louis Ligeti between 1929–1931. Further information: Kara, György 2000: The Mongol and Manchu Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. pp. 2–3.
Szakterület(ek): B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BQ Buddhism
P Language and Literature > PI Oriental languages and literatures
Feltöltő: Máté Rottár
Elhelyezés dátuma: 14 Dec 2023 11:52
Utolsó változtatás: 18 Jan 2024 13:08

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