The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic with a literal translation into Latin, by the late Robert Macfarlan, A. M. : [Batsányi János másolata]

Macfarlan, Robert (1812) The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic with a literal translation into Latin, by the late Robert Macfarlan, A. M. : [Batsányi János másolata]. , Paris (Manuscript)


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Item Type: Other
Additional Information: Fol. 2r: "The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic with a literal translation into Latin, by the late Robert Macfarlan, A. M. Together with a Dissertation on the Authenticity of the Poems by Sir John Sinclair, Bart. and a translation from the Italian of the Abbé Cesarotti's Dissertation on the controversy respecting the authenticity of Ossian with notes and a supplemental Essay by John M'Arthur, L. L. D. - Published under the Sanction of the Highland Society of London - Magna est veritas et praevalebit. - Vol. I. II. III. London, 1807."
Uncontrolled Keywords: K 653
Depositing User: Gábor Tóth
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 09:41
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2023 09:41

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